The Rancho Santa Fe area is home to some of the biggest trees in all of San Diego. Help your home out and have the gutters cleaned. We here at Superior window cleaning take your gutters as serious we do are windows. The cleaning process starts by hand picking the debris from the gutters. You want to make sure you do this process first when cleaning the gutters. The last thing you want to have happen when cleaning the gutters is the debris clogging the down spot. After the debris is removed by hand
we use a light flow of water to detect any leeks or flow problems you have with the gutters. Are you are looking to have gutters cleaned spotless? We do offer a pressure washing of the gutters which is not recommended unless you want to get the rest of the house pressure washed which may not be a bad idea.

When we use the pressure washer to clean out the gutters we are very careful. A majority of the homes have Spanish tiles so walking on the roof line can be very difficult. No problem for us we have special equipment to make sure your home is in the best hands. Safety is crucial when working with your gutters. Cleaning or attempting to repair your gutters from on top of the roof is risky business so leave it to the pros. Gutters are usually made of aluminum, steel or vinyl. Old-fashioned gutters might even be copper or wood. Wooden gutters require significantly more maintenance and are generally no longer used; still, they may be appropriate in certain historical or restoration applications. But make sure to have your gutters cleaned at least twice a year.